Category: Education

Poor Literacy Outcomes for Elementary Education in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea 

Children in Papua New Guinea smiling

Guest blog by Claire Asi, Valda Kerua, Melchior Sebelei, Michael Asi  Over the past 12-weeks we worked on the problem of Poor Literacy Outcomes for Elementary Education in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The recurring issue that kept popping up in our conversations was Cause 1: Lack of qualified teachers, and sub- cause: teacher training…Continue Reading Poor Literacy Outcomes for Elementary Education in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea 

Using PDIA to Tackle Educational Inequities in Brazil

Students learning

Guest blog by Cesar Nunes, IPP 2021 It was a joy to know that the new edition of the Implementing Public Policy (IPP) course would be offered in 2021. I knew about the Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach and was already following the Building State Capabilities website and YouTube channel. I had already read…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Tackle Educational Inequities in Brazil

Using Inquiry as a Strategy in PDIA to transform Barbados Education System

Guest blog by Doreen King, IPP 2021 Coming into the program, I had a pretty good sense of what to expect, given that I’d already taken 2 Harvard Kennedy School courses with Matt Andrews, which covered some of the material. What I wasn’t prepared for, was the group dynamic of working on a weekly group…Continue Reading Using Inquiry as a Strategy in PDIA to transform Barbados Education System

Insights from Applying PDIA in the Education Sector

Girl reading

written by Salimah Samji Over the past three years, we have engaged on research titled “Understanding How Education Systems Build Capability, Innovate and Improve their Practices” as part of the Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) programme. One of the components of this work is to explore whether BSC’s Problem Driven Iteration Adaptation (PDIA)…Continue Reading Insights from Applying PDIA in the Education Sector

Developing deeper learning competencies in the United States

Guest blog written by Rholyn Barnhart I was born in a very small town in the Philippines. Majority of the source of income in our town relates to fishing and trading goods. My family is one of the many families who wanted to go out of our current state of life – working just to…Continue Reading Developing deeper learning competencies in the United States

Disruptive innovation is critical – but it is the opposite of what many people think it is

Disruptive innovations need to be domestically led as even a disruptive innovation that has proved successful elsewhere will need to be modified and adapted to fit and scale in each new context. Disruptive innovation is not just another “solutionism” but the recognition that each country needs to engage in its own and owned discovery process through something like PDIA…Continue Reading Disruptive innovation is critical – but it is the opposite of what many people think it is

Engaging youth in sustainable development in Barbados

Guest blog written by Arpita Tiwari, Diana Ly, Emma Catalfamo, Hina Musa, Katherina Hruskovec Gonzalez, Morgan Benson  Early Days  The first PDIA meeting for the KEYS to Success team focused on one goal: getting to know each other. Our team members came from different backgrounds, different programs within HKS, even different countries, and each of…Continue Reading Engaging youth in sustainable development in Barbados

Examining Rising Teacher Shortages in the United States

Guest blog by Razan Alayed, Aleena Ali, Ryan S. Herman, Cecilia Liang, Krizia Lopez There were many lessons to be extracted from this course and through applying the Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach to our concurrently ordinary and extraordinary problem. The issue of teacher shortage has existed for many years and is persisting in the…Continue Reading Examining Rising Teacher Shortages in the United States

Examining the secondary education system in Georgia

Guest blog by Levan Karalashvili That was a great course. A lot of countries are facing major policy challenges due to COVID19 and there is especially high uncertainty on post-covid era. The world simply will be different and any policy-maker needs to be equipped with the best possible tools and be able to efficiently analyze…Continue Reading Examining the secondary education system in Georgia

Using PDIA to Improve Public Education in Brazil

A conference room of people at roundtable looking at screen of Matt Andrews teaching

written by Salimah Samji In August 2021, we began an engagement with Instituto Sonho Grande (ISG) in Brazil to build the capability of public servants working in secretariats of education in the states of Maranhão and Paraíba.   In this virtual action learning program, 60 public servants working across 11 teams, learned how to use PDIA to solve…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Improve Public Education in Brazil