Category: Latin America & Caribbean

Regulatory improvement and digitization of the government procedure service in Monterrey City

Monterrey City government building

Guest blog by Cintia Smith, IPP ’23 I started the IPP program a year after beginning the analysis of the public issue we were addressing, which, in our case, was “the malfunctioning of municipal service to deliver procedures due to bureaucratic burdens.” Just when we were about to start implementing the governmental digital services and…Continue Reading Regulatory improvement and digitization of the government procedure service in Monterrey City

Building The Wave

Wave crashing

Written by Lant Pritchett My main objective is to cross-post this Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) blog, Learning From What We Do and Doing What We Learn: What We Gain from a Solution-Search Approach to Building State Capacity by Susana Cordeiro Guerra, manager of Institutions for Development (IFD) at IDB. But in doing so, would like…Continue Reading Building The Wave

Promoting Child Development by Improving Care Quality in Public and Private Institutions in Mexico

Adults and children hold hands on a beach in Mexico at sunset

Guest blog by Miriam Gastélum Aispuro When I got accepted for the IPP Harvard Program, I was happy relief. I thought, “WOW,” we will finally have the answers to the problems we are trying to solve in the Foundation. The course started and after weeks of learning, discussions and lectures, I realized that my thoughts…Continue Reading Promoting Child Development by Improving Care Quality in Public and Private Institutions in Mexico

Exploring Labor Market Challenges in Bogotá, Colombia

Team photo

Guest blog by Soraya Mohideen, Shunta Takino, Michaela Tobin, Akinobu Toyoda, Andres Valenciano Writing a team constitution seemed like a tedious step, but it was vital and something that we recognized as beneficial in other contexts. The process of developing a constitution got every team member to think about what a well-functioning and effective team…Continue Reading Exploring Labor Market Challenges in Bogotá, Colombia

Tackling Traffic Congestion in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Traffic congestion at night

Guest blog by Romeo Ramlakhan, IPP ’22 “Good luck with that!” Those where the exact same words an elected official in City Hall told me in the early days of my tenure as Chief of Staff in the City of Santo Domingo in 2020, as we were discussing municipal policy agenda-setting for the coming years….Continue Reading Tackling Traffic Congestion in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic