Category: Sector

Sustainably managing hazardous and municipal solid waste management in Rwanda

Garbage on the ground

Guest written blog by Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya In 2016 I was privileged to sit in a high-level government meeting where the policies and strategic direction of the government were discussed and decisions taken regarding the immediate, medium to long-term solutions to the challenges facing the country and the opportunities thereof. This meeting was a memorable…Continue Reading Sustainably managing hazardous and municipal solid waste management in Rwanda

Civil unrest and misinformation in South Africa

A fire burning in the middle of the street in South Africa

Guest blog written by Collin Mashile A few weeks before the closing date, I received an e-mail request from my then Authoriser (Acting-Director General) to consider applying for the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Implementing Public Policy Program (IPP).  Her exact words: “there is this amazing academic from South Africa, Professor Matt Andrews, he is offering…Continue Reading Civil unrest and misinformation in South Africa

Inclusion of youth in public and private decision-making bodies in France

Guest blog written by Fadila Leturcq “Le savoir est une arme” (“Knowledge is a weapon” in English) is a recurring punchline in French rap lyrics and one that resonates with me when I take the time to reflect on my journey through the IPP program. “Le savoir est une arme ” suggests that learning, acquiring…Continue Reading Inclusion of youth in public and private decision-making bodies in France

The Importance of Entry Points in Long Term Policy Problems

Guest blog written by Jake Lestock After a little over a year working from home during the pandemic, I quickly realized that returning to ‘normal’ was still far from sight in a professional sense. Virtual work has become the new norm even in public policy settings. Many of the benefits of living in a political…Continue Reading The Importance of Entry Points in Long Term Policy Problems

Implementing to design better: Clean energy transition for islands

Guest blog by Ana Laca I work primarily in foreign affairs and regional development, but as a side passion project, I have been actively working on islands’ energy transition. I work for a European institution on legislative procedures, following particular files as they pass through a legislative train until their final adoption. For my action…Continue Reading Implementing to design better: Clean energy transition for islands

Unsustainable civil service expenditure in Fiji

Guest blog written by Susan Kiran Expectations I never imagined I would have the privilege of enrolling in a course from the Harvard University even though I had always harbored the dream of going to Harvard. When the IPP online opportunity was offered, I grabbed it instantaneously and I did not regret any single moment…Continue Reading Unsustainable civil service expenditure in Fiji

Private sector investment in renewable energy in Mongolia

Guest blog written by Hisaka Kimura 1. My expectation of IPP Online Asian Development Bank, which I work with, has been strengthening its field offices to respond more effectively to the evolving challenges. Based in Beijing, one of the largest field offices, I lead private sector country work for China and Mongolia, focusing on strategy,…Continue Reading Private sector investment in renewable energy in Mongolia

Building sustainable and equitable transportation systems in Toronto

Guest blog written by Judy Farvolden I am passionate about vibrant, equitable, sustainable urban life. My journey began in Paris when, as a 17-year-old living for a year in the City of Light, I wondered at the difference between living in a place where every day-to-day thing I needed was on my own block and…Continue Reading Building sustainable and equitable transportation systems in Toronto

IPP: A master key to close problem doors and open solution doors for a better world

Guest blog written by Mamadou Mouctar Diallo The thousands of miles that separate Guinea from the United States and COVID 19 were overcome by technology to enable us to attend this public policy implementation training at the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School. When the opening bell rang in June, I knew I was about to embark…Continue Reading IPP: A master key to close problem doors and open solution doors for a better world

Civil Registration in Sierra Leone: A hero won’t save the day, applying PDIA might

People in the street in Sierra Leone

Guest blog written by Laura Michelle Delgado Van Demen A year after the COVID-19 pandemic started, the perception that our team working on the establishment of a Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system in Sierra Leone, was standing alone in front of a very massive reform had increased. We were very frustrated since each…Continue Reading Civil Registration in Sierra Leone: A hero won’t save the day, applying PDIA might