Category: South Asia & Pacific

The survival of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India using PDIA

A crowded market in India

Guest blog by Tapasya Obhrai Nair The journey through the IPP course has been like the pilgrims’ progress. Every stop has given some insight and revelation and shown the path to the next stop or destination. I signed up for this course to learn from other practitioners of public policy about their experiences and the alternative…Continue Reading The survival of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India using PDIA

Complexities of multiple stakeholders in developing hydroelectricity in Pakistan

A closeup view of hydroelectricity infrastructure

Guest blog by Masood Ul Mulk I lead a public service organization (nonprofit) working in the northwest border regions of Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan, known for its turbulence, delivering development and humanitarian aid. The government presence is thin on the ground and service delivery in the region remains poor. Government policies change rapidly, as individuals and personalities…Continue Reading Complexities of multiple stakeholders in developing hydroelectricity in Pakistan

Lack of diversity in Mongolian exports: Effects on employment & productivity

Guest blog by Suzanna Sumkhuu Over the past 4 years, I have been working at the country’s development policy planning reform, streamlining legislative, institutional and policy mechanisms. On this journey, I have encountered two contrasting views: necessity for strong central planning systems vs abolish the government and leave everything to the market economy. Because Mongolia has…Continue Reading Lack of diversity in Mongolian exports: Effects on employment & productivity

Resiliency amidst adversity: Applying PDIA in the Philippines

Guest blog by Florida P. Robes Enrolling in Harvard Executive Education, specifically availing the “Implementing Public Policy Online” certificate course is one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life for three main reasons. First, it made me strong amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, being able to virtually interact with like-minded people interested in…Continue Reading Resiliency amidst adversity: Applying PDIA in the Philippines

Recovering better after COVID: Lao PDR

Guest blog by Felipe Morgado Enrolling in the Leading Economic Growth executive programme at Harvard Kennedy School has been a tremendously enriching experience. I am impressed with the number of key ideas and learnings covered over the past ten weeks across both the theory of economic growth and the practice of leadership in public policy. They…Continue Reading Recovering better after COVID: Lao PDR

Developing State Capacity in a Weak State

Village in Bihar state, India

Guest blog written by Dr Himanshu Jha Dr Himanshu Jha is a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. What engenders state capacity in a weak state?  How do weak states develop state capacity? And Under what conditions do policy paradigms succeed in historically weak states? In this…Continue Reading Developing State Capacity in a Weak State

HIV: Patient Safety and Infection Prevention in India

Guest blog by Vijay Yeldandi  Why IPP? Honestly because I needed a navigator! After 25 years of doing public health work in India focusing on HIV Infection Prevention, I realized that not everything I did was a resounding success. While some projects were gratifying, in retrospect there were many hard lessons to learn and much heartburn…Continue Reading HIV: Patient Safety and Infection Prevention in India

Implementing online services in Manila, Philippines

Guest blog by Chris Tenorio A simple communication via email dated June 4, 2020 from Prof. Matt Andrews inviting me to be part of the Implementing Public Policy (IPP) Program made me think if whether or not this program would further improve my way of governance in public office and enhance my knowledge on managing public…Continue Reading Implementing online services in Manila, Philippines

Promoting agricultural sector products to diversify the economy in Mongolia

Guest blog by Batjargal Khandjav The Leading Economic Growth Program has been an absolutely inspiring intellectual journey for me during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. It was a unique opportunity to reflect on key principles of economic growth while using toolset to better understand the unfolding of policy choices and drivers of economic growth for my own country….Continue Reading Promoting agricultural sector products to diversify the economy in Mongolia

Reassessing what it means to problem-solve in Laos

Guest blog by Samantha Blake Rudick When I was in middle school, I was part of a program called “Problem Solving.” The concept was one big problem would be presented and then, in a group, students would break this problem down into twenty smaller problems. They would then select one of these smaller issues and come…Continue Reading Reassessing what it means to problem-solve in Laos