Guest blog by Dr. Oyeyemi Ayoola FCA, IPP’23 My expectation for attending this Implementing Public Policy (IPP) Course is a tip of the iceberg compared to the learnings and competency skills in project implementation that I have garnered throughout this period of training, the course have changed my perspective and narratives of policy and project…Continue Reading Improved Infrastructural Development in Lagos State, Nigeria
InvestZambia and the Unknown Economics
Guest blog by Cindy Xin, Zeeshan Ali, Aleksandar Jakovljević, Kelly Jian The 6-week adventure of how four people who have never been to Zambia fell in love with the country and its challenges in attracting investment. January 2024. In our first week of the PDIA course, Salimah Samji (the Instructor) listed 8 possible topics that…Continue Reading InvestZambia and the Unknown Economics
Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda
Guest blog by Gilbert Kermundu, IPP’23 As I reflect on my journey through Implementing Public Policy (IPP) program, my challenge focused on the regulatory gaps in property valuation in Uganda. Despite existing legislative pieces like the Land Act Cap 227, Land Acquisition Act Cap 226 and the 1995 Constitution, a principal legislation addressing valuation practices…Continue Reading Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda
Strategic Leadership for Revenue Collection in Liberia
Guest blog by Alvina Sharpe, IPP’23 Some key learnings from this course are about being or managing oneself to be a strategic lead. A leader who understands the direction of his or the team goal(s) and is in the position to clearly articulate the goal to the least person in the organization for understanding. It…Continue Reading Strategic Leadership for Revenue Collection in Liberia
Policy Design and Implementation in Rwanda: Against All the Odds
Guest blog by Ronald Mutabazi, IPP’23 Friday, 27th May, 2022 looked like another ordinary working day. I was to attend a meeting on projects implementation in the Ministry of Finance. We discussed a long list of them, with boring stories of why their implementation was rated “on-track”, “on-watch”, “off-track”, blah, blah, blah… I had seen…Continue Reading Policy Design and Implementation in Rwanda: Against All the Odds
Reducing Youth Unemployment in Nigeria
Guest blog by Esther Adegunle, IPP ’23 “Two professionals, an Economist and a Brilliant Citizen, catch up to discuss the Economist’s recent educational journey at Harvard Kennedy School and its impact on their work in Nigeria.” Brilliant Citizen: Hello, my Economist, you are looking good and happy! Economist: Thank you, I certainly am happy. Brilliant…Continue Reading Reducing Youth Unemployment in Nigeria
Policies developed not having sufficient outcomes and impact on the African continent
Guest blog by Sheila Shawa, IPP ’23 My journey on implementing public policy I am only realising now, started in the early years on my career in the public sector. I always felt that the policies that were developed did take into consideration the context of the intended communities. I kept wondering if things could be…Continue Reading Policies developed not having sufficient outcomes and impact on the African continent
Improving reading proficiency and learning outcomes in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Guest blog by Salamatu Idris Isah, IPP ’23 PDIA: Learning by Doing and Getting it Right Working in a public space has never been easy, especially when you are saddled with the responsibility of making sure everything you proposed, that has been adopted, has a developmental impact. My participation in the 2023 IPP course was an eye-opener, as we were introduced to the Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) Concept. Taking a…Continue Reading Improving reading proficiency and learning outcomes in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Developing a Harmonized Legal and Regulatory Framework for Reforming Public Sector Pay in Sierra Leone
Guest blog by Sonia Umu Karim, IPP ’23 One of my favourite quotations, which I came across during my secondary school years and which has kept me going through many frustrating ups and downs working on public sector reforms in Sierra Leone is by Henry David Thoreau; it goes “All endeavour calls for the ability to tramp…Continue Reading Developing a Harmonized Legal and Regulatory Framework for Reforming Public Sector Pay in Sierra Leone
New Podcast: Applying PDIA in Mozambique
We have released a new episode in our podcast series A Decade of Building State Capability. In this episode, BSC Director Salimah Samji interviews Cara Myers, who we met in 2018 when she took our MLD103 class as an MPAID student at the Harvard Kennedy School. In this episode, Cara discusses her work with Mozambique…Continue Reading New Podcast: Applying PDIA in Mozambique