Category: Argentina

Bridging Gaps by Unlocking Potential: The Case of Northern Córdoba

San Martin Square in Cordoba Argentina

Guest blog by Andrés Michel, LEG ’24   Understanding Córdoba’s Regional Disparities  The province of Córdoba is located in the heart of Argentina. It spans an area of 165,000 square kilometers and is home to nearly 4 million people. Córdoba stands out for its exceptionally fertile lands, contributing almost 30% of the nation’s soybean and…Continue Reading Bridging Gaps by Unlocking Potential: The Case of Northern Córdoba

Using PDIA to Improve Literacy for Children in Argentina’s Schools

Children listen as a teacher reads to her students

Guest blog by Karina Stocovaz, IPP ’24 For the past four years, I have led Instituto Natura, a corporate foundation that directs social investments to improve education across six Latin American countries. In Argentina, we work closely with provincial governments to design and implement literacy policies, aiming to ensure that all children learn to read…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Improve Literacy for Children in Argentina’s Schools

Using PDIA to Implement Health Priorities for the Presidential Election in Argentina

A prescription bottle with pills spilling out

Guest blog by Adolfo Rubinstein, IPP ’22 Having been minister of health of my country during the previous administration (2017-2019), I felt fairly confident in my own policy-making abilities but, at the same time, I realized that policymaking is not an abstraction. It should get to policy implementation and hopefully policy impact. However, as we…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Implement Health Priorities for the Presidential Election in Argentina

Lacking access to mortgage credit for family housing in Argentina

House on top of coins

Guest blog by Pablo Curat I am an economist and for 30 years I have worked in the regulation and supervision of financial, microfinance and fintech entities and in design and implementation of development policies related to access to financing for small and micro-enterprises, agricultural producers, etc. Either as part of the public sector (I…Continue Reading Lacking access to mortgage credit for family housing in Argentina

Urban Development in Argentina: How IPP helped me achieve my goal

Guest blog by Catalina Palacio This is the story of an inspiring journey. Everybody is working hard around the world looking for increasing their wellbeing, which in turn affects the improvement of the quality of life of others. Everybody plays a determinant role to make lives better, even more, when people share the public policies sphere…Continue Reading Urban Development in Argentina: How IPP helped me achieve my goal

BSC Video 16: Isomorphic Mimicry in Argentina

Mimicry is an effective strategy  for governments to get short-term support from external development organizations. However, it is an ineffective strategy for building long-term capability. In this video, Matt Andrews uses the lack of fiscal rules in Argentina as an example to illustrate that mimicry does not lead to change. You can watch the video…Continue Reading BSC Video 16: Isomorphic Mimicry in Argentina