Category: Implementing Public Policy

Slowing Down To Go Fast: Fishing Out the Education Problems in Washington State

An empty classroom with a blank whiteboard

Guest blog by Sharonne Navas In a world of high speed wars, high speed internet, and high speed dating — can we slow down to solve world problems?   I was trained to problem solve in under five minutes. Math club, speed chess, wordle — the idea of speeding through a problem towards the solution was simply the…Continue Reading Slowing Down To Go Fast: Fishing Out the Education Problems in Washington State

Improving Access to Quality Employment for Vulnerable Young Mothers Using PDIA Approach in Romania

Romania Parliament

Guest blog by Oana Toiu Why are there high chairs and heavy mahogany bookcases and tall ceilings and actual silk flags and the most serious of fountain pen in the office of key decision makers in policy? It looked like a weird travel machine to the XIX century for me, when I started my State…Continue Reading Improving Access to Quality Employment for Vulnerable Young Mothers Using PDIA Approach in Romania

Building and Sustaining Local Crude Oil Refining Capacity in Nigeria Using the PDIA Technique

Kugbo, Abuja, Nigeria

Guest blog by Nyeso George The last six months has been like six years learning the nuggets of policy implementation especially using the PDIA Technique. In the process, how I plan to use what has been learnt and my key takeaways can be summarized as follows: Centrality of clarity in problem definition – in most…Continue Reading Building and Sustaining Local Crude Oil Refining Capacity in Nigeria Using the PDIA Technique

Implementing PDIA in Digital Transformation of Riga City

Fishbone diagram

Guest blog by Rasmuss Filips Geks Back in 2001, something groundbreaking occurred. Seventeen technologists gathered in the Wasatch mountains of Utah to draft the Agile Manifesto. It was a set of principles for IT Project Management that would fundamentally change software development. Today, any user-friendly digital product we use was probably developed using these principles….Continue Reading Implementing PDIA in Digital Transformation of Riga City

Declining Downtown Densification in Western Canada: Problem Definition is the Foundation to Getting it Right

Outdoor mural of a dragon and tiger

Guest blog by Dawn Kobayashi I had the absolute privilege of attending the IPP program on behalf of Harvard Bloomberg. I had the internal belief that I had some inkling knowledge about public policy….I was completely incorrect.  I now understand why its called “Implementing Public Policy” because the implementation is the most difficult part of…Continue Reading Declining Downtown Densification in Western Canada: Problem Definition is the Foundation to Getting it Right

Connecting Young Professionals to Local Government Public Service in Scottsdale, Arizona

A group of people collaborating

Guest blog by Stephanie Zamora, MPA Taking on large organizational or societal challenges requires a degree of creativity, risk-taking, and discomfort in addressing them properly. While we can certainly continue to rely on traditional methods of policy implementation, we may find ourselves missing the mark, not delivering on promises, and depleting the most scare resource:…Continue Reading Connecting Young Professionals to Local Government Public Service in Scottsdale, Arizona

PDIA: An Inclusive Approach to Fortify Voting Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Ethiopia

IPP 2022 participants working together

Guest blog by Hanna Demissie, IPP ’22 It was initially the idea of my boss, who is the Chairperson of the Election Commission and a Harvard Kennedy School alumna, to apply to the IPP program. Fortunately, despite my anxiety and hesitation, I found IPP extremely impactful, and it changed my understanding of policy challenges and…Continue Reading PDIA: An Inclusive Approach to Fortify Voting Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Ethiopia

Tackling Traffic Congestion in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Traffic congestion at night

Guest blog by Romeo Ramlakhan, IPP ’22 “Good luck with that!” Those where the exact same words an elected official in City Hall told me in the early days of my tenure as Chief of Staff in the City of Santo Domingo in 2020, as we were discussing municipal policy agenda-setting for the coming years….Continue Reading Tackling Traffic Congestion in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Providing Mental Health Access to Vulnerable Youth in New York City

Students presenting their fishbone diagrams

Guest blog by Shanequa E. Moore, IPP ’22 When I applied to the IPP program, I envisioned a traditional academic experience; yet, what I received has helped me to embrace both my passions and frustrations with public policy and uncover the possibilities of what we can accomplish when we work together. I recall the words…Continue Reading Providing Mental Health Access to Vulnerable Youth in New York City