
PDIA in the City of Helsinki

Helsinki group holding certificates

Blog written by Salimah Samji Over the past few years, we have been growing our PDIA engagements in cities. In late 2023 we were approached by Meri Virta and Piia Pelimanni, participants who had completed a PDIA training we conducted for the Bloomberg-Harvard City Leadership Initiative, to offer a custom online action learning program for…Continue Reading PDIA in the City of Helsinki

Informal Employment in Azerbaijan as an Impediment to Economic Growth

Workers cleaning the ground in Azerbaijan

Guest blog by Nijat Rahmanli, LEG ’23 Throughout my career in the government, I have participated in numerous discussions and workshops on how to achieve economic growth while ensuring inclusivity and sustainability. However, few of them were as practical and down-to-earth as the course on Leading Economic Growth. We came to understand that the easiest part…Continue Reading Informal Employment in Azerbaijan as an Impediment to Economic Growth

Navigating the Challenges of Diversity and Public Engagement in Wyoming

A person writing on paper

Guest blog by Amy Quick, LEG ’23 I had the unique privilege of being able to engage in the PDIA process and problem identification prior to beginning this fall’s Leading Economic Growth course, allowing me to bring some real-world experience to the classroom and intellectual component. The State of Wyoming has been working with the Harvard…Continue Reading Navigating the Challenges of Diversity and Public Engagement in Wyoming

Making Eastern Helsinki Safer

Team participants in front of "Helsinki" written on wall

Guest blog by Tarja Silventoinen, Terhi Tuominiemi-Lilja, Mirjam Malik, Katri Kairimo, Katriina Aaltio   12 weeks ago, we met each other as a team at Helsinki City Hall. We joined the team to represent the urban environment, education and training, culture and leisure, and social, health and rescue sectors. The unifying theme of our PDIA training…Continue Reading Making Eastern Helsinki Safer

A Safer City Center for Young People in Helsinki

Downtown Helsinki with crowds

Guest blog by Tiina Gustafsson, Ville Immonen, Christina Lundqvist, Kimmo Mustonen, Jaakko Rautavaara Children’s and young people’s experiences of insecurity and harassment have been highlighted significantly in several surveys and studies, such as the School Health Survey. The insecurity experienced by young people in their own environment is directly reflected in their everyday life and…Continue Reading A Safer City Center for Young People in Helsinki

Analyzing Brazil’s Position in Semi-Conductor Supply Chain using PDIA

Industrial location in Brazil

Guest blog by Loureiro Fernando, LEG ’23 To be able to reflect on PDIA concept and process, to put these concepts in a process-oriented approach, gave me a great insight to help me prepare and propose my interactions with government and policy makers with whom I engage in Latin America and Africa. I was involved…Continue Reading Analyzing Brazil’s Position in Semi-Conductor Supply Chain using PDIA

Driving Inclusive Economic Growth for Azerbaijan

Skyline image of Azerbaijan

Guest Blog by Samira Musayeva, LEG ’23  “Leading Economic Growth” program is a valuable learning process that in a very attractive “language” explains the use of creative and effective tools that allow defining a specific approach for each economy. It defines a new view on the context of economic reforms and their subsequent implementation.  Azerbaijan…Continue Reading Driving Inclusive Economic Growth for Azerbaijan

Restless Behavior of Children and Young People in the Kannelmäki Urban Renewal Area 

Helsinki group photo

Guest blog by Tiina Kalliola, Heidi Kiuru, Marianna Niemi-Korhonen, Ia Pellinen, Marjaana Martinez de Pinillo In March 2024, we began our three-month Harvard training with anticipation. 24 people from regional cooperation networks for children and young people were selected to participate in the training. The City of Helsinki organized PDIA training with Harvard University. PDIA…Continue Reading Restless Behavior of Children and Young People in the Kannelmäki Urban Renewal Area