Category: Other

Applying PDIA to Land Conflicts in Uganda

Rural Uganda land use

Guest blog by Smith T. Matsiko, IPP ’23 This article gives a practical application of Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) on the implementation challenge of deconflicting land in Uganda, providing the progress made and insights about the problem of land conflicts in Uganda as well as key lessons learnt from SLAAC policy intervention.  Further insights…Continue Reading Applying PDIA to Land Conflicts in Uganda

Second Chances for Indiana: Key Learnings and Insights

A person behind bars

Guest blog by Andrea Cuellar, Fabio Ostermann, Nanditha Menon As a team working on the problem of high recidivism in Marion County, Indiana, we have been through an enriching journey utilizing the Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) framework. This course has broadened our understanding and provided valuable insights into tackling this complex issue, using coherent small…Continue Reading Second Chances for Indiana: Key Learnings and Insights

Improving Saudi Arabia’s role in International Space Legislation

The al Khobar water tower photographed after dusk. Saudi Arabia

Guest blog by Khaled Emam, Tim Freeman, Sergii Telenyk, Anupama Thekkinkat Vadukkoot When we started our PDIA journey in the first week of the spring term, we knew little about the rollercoaster of learning that we were about to board. Although we come from different parts of the world, study distinct fields, and work in…Continue Reading Improving Saudi Arabia’s role in International Space Legislation

Developing an All-Encompassing Regulatory Approach to Space Laws, Saudi Arabia

The King Abdullah Financial District "KAFD" located in the city of Riyadh

Guest blog by Abdullah Altaleb, IPP’23 Prior to joining IPP, I knew that having some unknown unknowns in public policy work is inevitable. Knowing what you know is for sure beneficial but knowing what you do not know and turning that into something you know is invaluable. During the program, I was able to identify…Continue Reading Developing an All-Encompassing Regulatory Approach to Space Laws, Saudi Arabia

Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda

a collage of a man standing in front of a standee at two different conferences

Guest blog by Gilbert Kermundu, IPP’23 As I reflect on my journey through Implementing Public Policy (IPP) program, my challenge focused on the regulatory gaps in property valuation in Uganda. Despite existing legislative pieces like the Land Act Cap 227, Land Acquisition Act Cap 226 and the 1995 Constitution, a principal legislation addressing valuation practices…Continue Reading Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda

Empowering Singapore’s Young Innovators: Navigating Challenges in Resource Mobilization using PDIA

Singapore cityscape

Guest blog by Tingyu Wu, IPP’23 Embarking on this PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) program has been quite a ride, and it’s changed my life in unexpected ways. Let me give you some context—I’m not your typical politician or government official. By day, I’m a co-founder of a marketing consulting company, keeping busy with the usual…Continue Reading Empowering Singapore’s Young Innovators: Navigating Challenges in Resource Mobilization using PDIA

Addressing the Labor Shortage in the State of Wyoming 

Cityscape in Wyoming

Guest blog by John Jenks, IPP’23 The policy implementation challenge that I worked on during the Implementation Public Policy (IPP) course was the shortage of workforce in the State of Wyoming that discourages new firms from entering the state, inhibits existing firms from growing or expanding, and/or contributes to existing firms closing shop and moving…Continue Reading Addressing the Labor Shortage in the State of Wyoming