Category: Gender

Combining parenthood and employment in Belgium: What is the problem?

A working mother

Guest blog by Silvia Steisel, IPP ’23 My role as a leader in a philanthropic organization focused on employment has led me to the realization multiple times that we were attempting to address complex issues in an inadequate manner. Employment is a multifaceted sector influenced by various cyclical, cultural, social, and political factors. Challenges related…Continue Reading Combining parenthood and employment in Belgium: What is the problem?

Supporting women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan

Guest blog by Renata Rubian I have truly enjoyed my experience with the Harvard Leading Economic Growth course. It is a pleasure to experience the dynamics between the brilliant duo – Prof. Ricardo Hausmann and Prof. Matt Andrews – given their approaches and explanations are complementary. Some of my key take away include: (i) Understanding…Continue Reading Supporting women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan