Guest Blog by Abdi Aguirre, LEG ’22 When I enrolled in the Leading Economic Growth Program of the Harvard Kennedy School, I thought that I was clear about the economic challenge I wanted to address along the course. As part of the admission process, they ask you to write some lines about it, so I believed…Continue Reading Learnings from LEG & Exploring Growth Challenges in El Salvador
Approaching Growth Challenges with a New Lens
Guest Blog by Phillipa Kirby, LEG ’22 Some of my takeaways from the Leading Economic Growth course include: The course content made me look at a different approach to my growth challenge. At the commencement of the course, I defined my growth challenge as “diversifying the towns economy away for the current dominant coal mining…Continue Reading Approaching Growth Challenges with a New Lens
Using PDIA to Examine Unemployment in Jordan
Guest Blog by Iman Kharabshen LEG ’22 The main challenge facing Jordan is how to stimulate strong, real and sustainable economic growth that contributes to creating new jobs in the Jordanian national economy. The permanent advice received by all countries that suffer from high unemployment rates is to work to stimulate economic growth, as growth…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Examine Unemployment in Jordan
Broadening the Sense of ‘Us’: Exploring LEG Principles in Western Australia
Guest Blog by Pippa Hepburn, LEG ’22 When we started Leading Economic Growth (LEG) ten weeks ago, I was confused by the repeated assertions from Keisha and the teaching staff that they were ‘excited’. I figured, like any good laconic Australian, that they would surely tire of this pretence and I would eventually see the real…Continue Reading Broadening the Sense of ‘Us’: Exploring LEG Principles in Western Australia
Applying Lessons on PDIA and Product Space to Investment Promotion in Ethiopia
Guest Blog by Meleket Denbu, LEG ’22 I would like to begin by extending my deepest gratitude to the LEG team (professors, coordinators, and TAs). The past ten weeks have been truly amazing in terms of broadening my perspective on the necessary tools and techniques for leading economic growth. Not only that, the program gave me…Continue Reading Applying Lessons on PDIA and Product Space to Investment Promotion in Ethiopia
Structural transformation of rural agriculture in Senegal
Guest blog by Racine Ba, LEG ’22 My impressions after ten weeks of intense reflections on the concepts and challenges of growth is that the Leading Economic Growth course at the Harvard Kennedy School constitutes an exceptional framework for learning interactive processes that allow you to apprehend growth issues in a pragmatic way. If I…Continue Reading Structural transformation of rural agriculture in Senegal
Developing successful economic growth strategies: Lessons learned from LEG
Guest blog by Farid Amirov, LEG ’22 A good thing is that the lessons and principles of Leading Economic Growth can be applied across various economic growth and development challenges and within a national and subnational context. I am sharing the lessons, experience and insights those I have taken away throughout the Leading Economic Course:…Continue Reading Developing successful economic growth strategies: Lessons learned from LEG
Addressing growth challenges in Jordan
Guest blog by Rami Alhadid, LEG ’22 Most of the challenges that faces any country’s economic stance are complex and not easy to solve. However any complex problem can be break down to be manageable using robust toolkits, such as PDIA approach, Fishbone diagram, identifying the main binding constraint, AAA techniques…etc. The PDIA approach entails…Continue Reading Addressing growth challenges in Jordan
Reflections on using PDIA to drive policy reforms during political turmoil
Guest blog by Ana Iorga, IPP 2021 When I joined the Implementing Public Policy (IPP) program of Harvard’s Building State Capability, I had flashbacks of my MBA program from a decade ago. I was both thrilled and scared at the same time—thrilled to be interacting with and learning from so many brilliant people from all…Continue Reading Reflections on using PDIA to drive policy reforms during political turmoil
Tackling corrupt taxation practices in Trinidad & Tobago through PDIA
Guest blog by Amrita Deonarine, IPP 2021 I came across this methodology of Problem-driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) in 2020 at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic when global energy prices plummeted, triggering supply shocks, demand shocks, and a health crisis all at the same time. The consequences of this triple whammy almost severed the revenue…Continue Reading Tackling corrupt taxation practices in Trinidad & Tobago through PDIA