Category: Region

Using PDIA to Improve Public Education in Brazil

A conference room of people at roundtable looking at screen of Matt Andrews teaching

written by Salimah Samji In August 2021, we began an engagement with Instituto Sonho Grande (ISG) in Brazil to build the capability of public servants working in secretariats of education in the states of Maranhão and Paraíba.   In this virtual action learning program, 60 public servants working across 11 teams, learned how to use PDIA to solve…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Improve Public Education in Brazil

Alleviating homelessness in Toronto

Guest blog by Rob Graham My public policy implementation challenge is the alleviation of homelessness in Toronto. The problem is getting worse as evidenced by the increasing number of homeless, the frequency and severity of their comorbidities and the increasing demand for shelter services like housing support, mental health, addictions, other medical needs, clothing, beds for…Continue Reading Alleviating homelessness in Toronto

Addressing Youth Unemployment in Ghana through PDIA

People working in a factory in Ghana

Guest blog by Afua Gyekyewaa IntroductionThe Youth Employment Agency (YEA) of Ghana was created specifically to address the issue of youth unemployment. In 2006 when the Agency was created, the unemployment rate especially among the youth was very high. Facing this challenge, the government set up the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), now YEA, to find…Continue Reading Addressing Youth Unemployment in Ghana through PDIA

Becoming an active participant in your learning journey

Guest blog by Andrew McIntyre Although a journey starts with a beginning and an end, it is the actual experiences that occur between those two points that are the most important. In this current period of COVID the experiences, while less hands-on, can be more intense and thought-provoking due to the time for reflection and the…Continue Reading Becoming an active participant in your learning journey

Exploring electromobility in Latin America

Guest blog by Raúl Rodríguez Molina I decided to enroll in the IPP program as a continuation of the Leading Economic Growth Program, which I found extremely interesting. LEG gave me the opportunity to engage in group work methodologies, like PDIA, which somehow I have seen being implemented but not formally, not following a rigorous process….Continue Reading Exploring electromobility in Latin America

Building ownership for growth strategy in Mexico

Guest blog by Agustin Filippo Economic development is predicated under the assumption that it is possible to lift people out of poverty, which is the reason that attracted so many people to the field (myself included). Countries that managed to succeed end up with a diversified and sophisticated product mix. More importantly, these economies are…Continue Reading Building ownership for growth strategy in Mexico

Leading Economic Growth: Adapting the Wyoming Energy Industry

Guest blog by Kaeci Daniels What are some key ideas/learnings that you will take away from this course? 1804 as a communication tool – The 1804 example was a good analogy to get people to understand that the problem is hard to understand. Using this example as a communication tool may be a great way…Continue Reading Leading Economic Growth: Adapting the Wyoming Energy Industry