Category: Middle East & North Africa

Public Leadership Through Crisis 15: The COVID-19 Crisis in Bahrain

written by Matt Andrews Hamad Almalki is the Undersecretary for National Economy at Bahrain’s Ministry of Finance and National Economy. He is a graduate of the Edward S. Mason mid-career Masters in Public Administration program at the Harvard Kennedy School. My Zoom interview captures Hamad’s reflections (as of April 3) on Bahrain’s response to the…Continue Reading Public Leadership Through Crisis 15: The COVID-19 Crisis in Bahrain

Solving the Problem of Unemployment in Jordan

Guest blog written by Lara Khaled Abdullah Hussein, Mai Aziz Shafiq Elian, Rana Riad Al-Ansari This is a team of development practitioners who work as strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation specialists for the Ministry of Labour (MoL) in Jordan. They successfully completed the 15-week Practice of PDIA online course that ended in May 2019. This is their story. We…Continue Reading Solving the Problem of Unemployment in Jordan

Applying the ‘triple A’ framework in Pakistan and Palestine: what we learnt about implementing reform

Guest blog written by Albert Pijuan and David Hoole 86 development practitioners at OPML have successfully completed the 15-week Practice of PDIA online course over the past two years. This is a story of how they are using the PDIA tools.  At Oxford Policy Management, we have been building on and incorporating the lessons from the…Continue Reading Applying the ‘triple A’ framework in Pakistan and Palestine: what we learnt about implementing reform