Category: Latin America & Caribbean

Making it Look Like You’re Doing, and Making it Look Like it Works? Do the Work!

Overhead view of a neighborhood in a tropical country

Guest blog by Silvia Lara Povedano, IPP ’24 As a government official and consultant for international development organizations, in recent years, a voice began echoing in my head, saying, “Something about what I’m doing is not right. Deep down, I know this isn’t going to work, no matter how passionately I speak or how carefully…Continue Reading Making it Look Like You’re Doing, and Making it Look Like it Works? Do the Work!

Using PDIA to Improve Literacy for Children in Argentina’s Schools

Children listen as a teacher reads to her students

Guest blog by Karina Stocovaz, IPP ’24 For the past four years, I have led Instituto Natura, a corporate foundation that directs social investments to improve education across six Latin American countries. In Argentina, we work closely with provincial governments to design and implement literacy policies, aiming to ensure that all children learn to read…Continue Reading Using PDIA to Improve Literacy for Children in Argentina’s Schools

Analyzing Brazil’s Position in Semi-Conductor Supply Chain using PDIA

Industrial location in Brazil

Guest blog by Loureiro Fernando, LEG ’23 To be able to reflect on PDIA concept and process, to put these concepts in a process-oriented approach, gave me a great insight to help me prepare and propose my interactions with government and policy makers with whom I engage in Latin America and Africa. I was involved…Continue Reading Analyzing Brazil’s Position in Semi-Conductor Supply Chain using PDIA

Regulatory improvement and digitization of the government procedure service in Monterrey City

Monterrey City government building

Guest blog by Cintia Smith, IPP ’23 I started the IPP program a year after beginning the analysis of the public issue we were addressing, which, in our case, was “the malfunctioning of municipal service to deliver procedures due to bureaucratic burdens.” Just when we were about to start implementing the governmental digital services and…Continue Reading Regulatory improvement and digitization of the government procedure service in Monterrey City