Category: Australia & New Zealand

Scrabble, Fishbones, and Positive Deviance: A Perspective from New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand waterfront at dusk

Guest blog by Mark Lea, LEG ’24 I have really enjoyed participating in the Harvard Kennedy School’s Leading Economic Growth 2024 programme, led by Professors Ricardo Hausmann and Matt Andrews, and supported by their wider faculty team. Both Professors shared the theories, tools and frameworks they have developed to help us think about our economic…Continue Reading Scrabble, Fishbones, and Positive Deviance: A Perspective from New Zealand

Empowering Papua New Guinea’s Youth through Art

People sit out side the terminal near a beautiful mural at Jacksons International Airport in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Guest blog written by Hananiah Dickson, Nelson Kokoa, Jasmine Kuliniasi, Emmanuel Wanya In the heart of Papua New Guinea, where the rich tapestry of tradition and culture intertwines, our team: Radical Renaissance, stands resolute in our mission. Comprising four individuals from Art Activism PNG, we are on a quest to tackle a daunting challenge –…Continue Reading Empowering Papua New Guinea’s Youth through Art

Utilizing Growth Diagnostic Tools on Growth Challenges in Australia

Guest Blog by Tim Larkin, LEG ’22 There are many learnings that I am taking away from this course as every week I learnt something new. The main learnings included: My growth challenge developed in Assignment 2, was slightly redefined in Assignment 6 due to ideas that I learnt during the intervening weeks. Specifically, I realized…Continue Reading Utilizing Growth Diagnostic Tools on Growth Challenges in Australia

Understanding the Need for Industry Diversity, Complexity, and Knowhow in Western Australia

Guest Blog by Michelle Sidebottom, LEG ’22 What an exceptional learning experience! Thank you. My key ideas/learnings from LEG2022 included: Our group showed compassion, kindness and support for one another over our 10 weeks together and through this we have not only established new international networks, we have become friends. I will miss our weekly Global…Continue Reading Understanding the Need for Industry Diversity, Complexity, and Knowhow in Western Australia

LEG in Practice: Exploring Growth Opportunities and Renewable Energy in Western Australia

Guest Blog by Warner Priest, LEG ’22 In many cases, I find when faced with a challenge it is difficult to know where to start and what to do and I find myself procrastinating. The step-by-step approach to Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) has become a useful tool to getting whatever challenge I am faced with…Continue Reading LEG in Practice: Exploring Growth Opportunities and Renewable Energy in Western Australia

Broadening the Sense of ‘Us’: Exploring LEG Principles in Western Australia

Guest Blog by Pippa Hepburn, LEG ’22 When we started Leading Economic Growth (LEG) ten weeks ago, I was confused by the repeated assertions from Keisha and the teaching staff that they were ‘excited’. I figured, like any good laconic Australian, that they would surely tire of this pretence and I would eventually see the real…Continue Reading Broadening the Sense of ‘Us’: Exploring LEG Principles in Western Australia

Driving Mental Health Reforms in Australia using the PDIA approach

Guest blog by Kerry Hawkins, IPP 2021 When I signed up for Implementing Public Policy (IPP) Online course, I thought it would be a lot of implementation theory within a public policy setting, possibly with some change management within a government context. I didn’t expect it to be so experiential, practice-oriented and expansive in its…Continue Reading Driving Mental Health Reforms in Australia using the PDIA approach

A shortage of affordable rental and workers accommodation in Western Australia

Guest blog written by Rose Riley I was encouraged by my CEO to sign up for the IPP course. He had completed an economic complexity course at Harvard in 2018 and had shared some of the approach with me at that point. He was aware this approach would align well with my existing way of…Continue Reading A shortage of affordable rental and workers accommodation in Western Australia