Category: News & Updates

BSC Paper wins ASA award

We are proud to announce that Looking Like a State: Techniques of Persistent Failure in State Capability for Implementation co-authored by Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock won the Faculty Article Award from the Sociology of Development Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). The award ceremony was held in San Francisco on August…Continue Reading BSC Paper wins ASA award

World Cup Lessons: Is it the team or is it the star?

Amy Bass in an article in today’s CNN opinion section entitled, four key takeaways from World Cup 2014, asks the question of all sports – Is it the team, or is it the star? In development circles, many people believe the answer to this question is ‘the star.’ Leaders are seen as heroic figures that…Continue Reading World Cup Lessons: Is it the team or is it the star?

Introducing the BSC Video series

written by Salimah Samji Since the inception of the Building State Capability (BSC) program, the team has made over 50 presentations around the globe at places like the World Bank, IDB, ODI, SIDA, DANIDA, OECD, DFID, UNDP, USAID, and at several think tanks and universities. The positive feedback that we have received has encouraged us…Continue Reading Introducing the BSC Video series

New Year, New Logo

Happy New Year! Building State Capability is the Center for International Development at Harvard University’s newest program. Since the inception, the team has published 13 UNU-WIDER working papers and made over 50 presentations around the globe. As we head into the second year, we are pleased to share our new logo with you – see…Continue Reading New Year, New Logo

Aid and Fragility: PDIA at the UN

Earlier today, Lant Pritchett, Michael Woolcock, and Frauke de Weijer were on a panel for the Fragility and Aid: What Works? event held by the UNU-WIDER at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN. They discussed how even well-meaning attempts to “build capacity” could serve as techniques of persistent failure because of isomorphic mimicry (emphasis…Continue Reading Aid and Fragility: PDIA at the UN

Untying Development

Yesterday, we hosted a one-day workshop entitled, Untying Development: Promoting Governance and Government with Impact. The day brought together different voices to discuss the challenge of creating a governance agenda that focuses on solving country-specific problems, involves local people through flexible and context-fitted processes, and emphasizes learning in the reform process. In the first session,…Continue Reading Untying Development

Hirschman told us that implementation involves a journey

written by Matt Andrews I ran across the following quote from Hirschman today. A reminder that implementation is neither easy nor prone to scientific certainty. Rather, it requires journeys, of finding, fitting, and discovering. Do we promote such journeys in development? Are we open to the destinations we might end up reaching? ” The term…Continue Reading Hirschman told us that implementation involves a journey