Guest blog by Smith T. Matsiko, IPP ’23 This article gives a practical application of Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) on the implementation challenge of deconflicting land in Uganda, providing the progress made and insights about the problem of land conflicts in Uganda as well as key lessons learnt from SLAAC policy intervention. Further insights…Continue Reading Applying PDIA to Land Conflicts in Uganda
Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda
Guest blog by Gilbert Kermundu, IPP’23 As I reflect on my journey through Implementing Public Policy (IPP) program, my challenge focused on the regulatory gaps in property valuation in Uganda. Despite existing legislative pieces like the Land Act Cap 227, Land Acquisition Act Cap 226 and the 1995 Constitution, a principal legislation addressing valuation practices…Continue Reading Addressing the High Rate of Objection of Property Valuation Assessments in Uganda
Using IPP Learnings to Reform Uganda’s Cash Management Policy
Guest blog by Robert Okudi, IPP 2021 I signed up for Harvard Kennedy School’s Implementing Public Policy (IPP) program hoping to find ways to get one of my draft policies to be implemented at the national level. I had been developing policy recommendations to reform Uganda’s Cash Management System for my department. Through IPP, I…Continue Reading Using IPP Learnings to Reform Uganda’s Cash Management Policy
Improving Tax Compliance in Uganda
Guest blog written by Doris Akol My previous experience with public policy has hitherto been mainly as a formulator of organizational policies which are then implemented by other units and more recently as a first hand implementer of fiscal policies passed by the Government for revenue collection. Frankly speaking, I had never quite addressed my…Continue Reading Improving Tax Compliance in Uganda
Deconstructing ‘PDIA’ a Catchy Acronym in Development
Guest Blog by Lucy Peace Nantume, Robinah K Manoba, Maurice Olupot, Rebecca Kukundakwe. This is a team of four development practitioners working for the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) in Uganda. They successfully completed the 15-week Practice of PDIA online course that ended in May 2019. This is their story. As employees of a donor agency aimed at building…Continue Reading Deconstructing ‘PDIA’ a Catchy Acronym in Development
BSC video 25: Real problem driven reform
Solving problems that matter ensure that you are doing something contextually relevant. In this video, Matt Andrews, uses an example of civil service reform in Uganda to illustrate how constructing local problems is the entry point to begin the search for solutions that ultimately drive change. You can watch the video below or on YouTube….Continue Reading BSC video 25: Real problem driven reform
BSC Video 17: Isomorphic Mimicry in Uganda and Melanesia
The systems and structures in development are focused heavily on form and not function. In this video, Michael Woolcock uses examples in Uganda and Melanesia to illustrate what happens when you focus excessively on the form and ignore the function. You can watch the video below or on YouTube. If you are interested in learning…Continue Reading BSC Video 17: Isomorphic Mimicry in Uganda and Melanesia