Guest blog by Hilda El Khoury, IPP’23 The main key learnings from this course were many; among them I can name “taking risks on things we care about, and disappointing people in a way they can absorb”. This message became a continuous alarm for me, I keep assessing what could be the threshold of people…Continue Reading Developing a Holistic Approach in Education to Improve Students’ Wellbeing and Academic Achievement in Lebanon
Improving Students’ Wellbeing and Learning through a Social Emotional Learning Policy in Lebanon
Guest blog by Nahla Harb, IPP’23 The IPP course was very enriching and a life changing experience for me. The key learnings encompassed a wide range of tips of knowing what and knowing how, starting from PDIA, a creative approach in policy making to the communication and the leadership styles. …Continue Reading Improving Students’ Wellbeing and Learning through a Social Emotional Learning Policy in Lebanon
Failure of Effective Curriculum Implementation in Lebanon
Guest blog by Hyam Ishac, IPP’23 I have been assigned as the president of the center of educational research and development (CRDP) for more than 1 year. From that time until now, I am leading the process of curriculum development in Lebanon. During this time, CRDP, with different stakeholders were working on developing the national SEL…Continue Reading Failure of Effective Curriculum Implementation in Lebanon
Implementing the Social Emotional Learning in the Lebanese Educational Curriculum
Guest blog by Tania Tannous, IPP ’23 As a school psychologist, responsible of child protection, my love language is to take care of students in the school environment. I used to work on two referral axes, the first one being able to spread awareness about some emotional social and cultural subjects and the second one…Continue Reading Implementing the Social Emotional Learning in the Lebanese Educational Curriculum
Decentralization in Lebanon
Guest blog written by Pascale Dahrouj When I first registered in this program, I never thought I could get that much insights on how to work out a complex problem by identifying entry points, root causes, possible solutions, authorizers and teams. I just thought it will be a learning journey filled with readings and videos…Continue Reading Decentralization in Lebanon