Category: Ethiopia

Tackling limited diversification and decreasing exports in Ethiopia

Guest blog by Yilma Nati Tefsu I want to start my answer to the final week of this amazing course by saying something different, something that has nothing to do with the question above but a reflection of the many positives I have gotten from this course and the great people I have met along the…Continue Reading Tackling limited diversification and decreasing exports in Ethiopia

To Increase Girls’ Schooling, Improve Girls’ Learning

written by Michelle Kaffenberger, Danielle Sobol, Deborah Spindelman, Marla Spivack A new paper shows that girls who are learning are more likely to stay in school. Improving learning could be key to achieving both schooling and learning goals. The G7 recently agreed to two new education objectives: ensure that 40 million more girls attend school and that…Continue Reading To Increase Girls’ Schooling, Improve Girls’ Learning

The Legitimacy of Performance and Problem Oriented Institutional Development in Ethiopia

Guest blog written by Etambuyu A Gundersen I had very high expectations of the course and what I was going to get out of it in terms of gaining not only new knowledge but also important skills in policy implementation that would assist me in my job. The course went above and beyond my expectations….Continue Reading The Legitimacy of Performance and Problem Oriented Institutional Development in Ethiopia