Category: Costa Rica

Making it Look Like You’re Doing, and Making it Look Like it Works? Do the Work!

Overhead view of a neighborhood in a tropical country

Guest blog by Silvia Lara Povedano, IPP ’24 As a government official and consultant for international development organizations, in recent years, a voice began echoing in my head, saying, “Something about what I’m doing is not right. Deep down, I know this isn’t going to work, no matter how passionately I speak or how carefully…Continue Reading Making it Look Like You’re Doing, and Making it Look Like it Works? Do the Work!

Flexibility and Learning in Times of Global Uncertainty

Guest blog written by Nahuel Arenas-García Nahuel and his team from Costa Rica successfully completed the 15-week Practice of PDIA online course that ended in May 2017. Between January and May 2017, authorities and technical staff of the Costa Rican National Risk Prevention and Emergency Management Commission (CNE, for its acronym in Spanish) joined staff of…Continue Reading Flexibility and Learning in Times of Global Uncertainty