Category: Leading Economic Growth

Exploring export diversification in Trinidad and Tobago

Guest blog by Lebrechtta Hesse-Bayne The leading economic growth 2021 course exceeded my expectation. While the course overview gave an idea of what to expect, the tools provided were the icing on the cake. I am taking away from this course the key learnings or applying the Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach. This step-by-step process…Continue Reading Exploring export diversification in Trinidad and Tobago

Resiliency and sustainability: Key Takeaways from LEG2021

Michigan government building

Guest blog by Mathias McCauley What are some key ideas/learnings that you will take away from this course? The initial lectures on the “product space” and “PDIA” were fascinating and valuable to me.  Additionally, because of the nature of my organization and the state the region is located in (Michigan), I now believe that the most likely…Continue Reading Resiliency and sustainability: Key Takeaways from LEG2021

Nine lessons from LEG 2021: Economic diversification of Gabon

Guest blog by Milaine Rossanaly This course has benefited me tremendously. My background is in business administration so I intuitively understood concepts of growth, productivity, inclusion, binding constraints and others, but this course allowed me to understand them much better. I have a long list of take-aways from this course that I will apply in the…Continue Reading Nine lessons from LEG 2021: Economic diversification of Gabon

Lack of diversity in Mongolian exports: Effects on employment & productivity

Guest blog by Suzanna Sumkhuu Over the past 4 years, I have been working at the country’s development policy planning reform, streamlining legislative, institutional and policy mechanisms. On this journey, I have encountered two contrasting views: necessity for strong central planning systems vs abolish the government and leave everything to the market economy. Because Mongolia has…Continue Reading Lack of diversity in Mongolian exports: Effects on employment & productivity

Developing Economic Complexity in Western Australia’s remote, sparsely populated regional centres

Guest blog by Giles Tuffin 1. Some of the key insights I have learnt include: Just because your region produces raw goods (like iron ore) doesn’t mean that you should be making downstream goods from it (like steel). The raw goods are available on the open market, and can be easily shipped to your nearest port….Continue Reading Developing Economic Complexity in Western Australia’s remote, sparsely populated regional centres

Tackling limited diversification and decreasing exports in Ethiopia

Guest blog by Yilma Nati Tefsu I want to start my answer to the final week of this amazing course by saying something different, something that has nothing to do with the question above but a reflection of the many positives I have gotten from this course and the great people I have met along the…Continue Reading Tackling limited diversification and decreasing exports in Ethiopia

Panama Embassy official writes about promoting US-Panama trade ties

Guest blog by Franklin Morales, Head of Commercial and Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Panama in the United States. A few years ago, I became a diplomat of my country in the United States.  Over time, I gained more responsibility until I became the Head of the Commercial and Economic Section. I am responsible…Continue Reading Panama Embassy official writes about promoting US-Panama trade ties

Recovering better after COVID: Lao PDR

Guest blog by Felipe Morgado Enrolling in the Leading Economic Growth executive programme at Harvard Kennedy School has been a tremendously enriching experience. I am impressed with the number of key ideas and learnings covered over the past ten weeks across both the theory of economic growth and the practice of leadership in public policy. They…Continue Reading Recovering better after COVID: Lao PDR

How Benin can lead post-COVID economic recovery

Guest blog by Thierno Olory-Togbe As a Principal Legal Counsel at the African Legal Support Facility, I have the opportunity to advise African governments facing inadequate capacities in strategic sectors such as sovereign debt, infrastructure and natural resources.  Despite the increased efforts of African governments in improving public sector efficiency, the optimization of benefits from the…Continue Reading How Benin can lead post-COVID economic recovery