Guest blog written by Yilma Melkamu Alazar I came across the “Implementing Public Policy” course by chance while scrolling through my social media links. Reading through the course objectives, I immediately thought it might help me to find a way to solve some of my struggles. However, I was a bit skeptical since my field of…Continue Reading Deconstructing policy challenges using the fishbone
Increasing Tomato Production in Nigeria
Guest blog written by Edward Adamu When I first thought of my policy implementation challenge, it appeared daunting, knowing that past policy attempts had not yielded any dependable solution to the problem. When I constructed the problem, it became even more frightening. As I went further to deconstruct the problem, I realized it was indeed a…Continue Reading Increasing Tomato Production in Nigeria
Rolling out COVID relief programs in Reno using the PDIA approach
Guest blog written by Calli Wilsey During one of our first sessions, I remember Professor Andrews speaking about complex problems and the need to address these issues with a new approach typically not used by public policy professionals and government agencies. As he described the problems he has witnessed with the traditional “plan and control” implementation…Continue Reading Rolling out COVID relief programs in Reno using the PDIA approach
It is the journey, not the destination that truly matters
Guest blog written by Deepa Singal Participating in the Executive Education program, “Implementing Public Policy” at the Harvard Kennedy School was a dynamic, motivating and humbling experience. Our global cohort consisted of emerging leaders and seasoned policy experts from multiple sectors and countries, all with the shared purpose of making a positive impact in the world….Continue Reading It is the journey, not the destination that truly matters
Don’t try swallowing a whale in one go
Guest blog written by Joe Savage So, your fish bone skeleton is a whale Even the biggest, most complex problems can be broken down into smaller pieces. First, you probably shouldn’t try to swallow a whale in one go. After all, it’s a whale. It would obviously crush you. Second, the process of digging deeper…Continue Reading Don’t try swallowing a whale in one go
Though the flesh has departed, the spirit will be honoured
This is a blog written by Kagiso Maphalle, an alumnus of the Implementing Public Policy Executive Education Program at the Harvard Kennedy School….Continue Reading Though the flesh has departed, the spirit will be honoured
It’s about the P’s
Guest blog by Cynthia Steinhauser, an alumnus of the Implementing Public Policy Executive Education Program at the Harvard Kennedy School…Continue Reading It’s about the P’s
Improving Nutritional Outcomes in India
Guest blog written by Saachi Bhalla When I applied for the IPP online course, I was hoping to help strengthen my understanding and capacity for policy analysis and to spend dedicated time in identifying ways of making progress on complex public policy issues. I was particularly interested in engaging with ways of identify formal and informal…Continue Reading Improving Nutritional Outcomes in India
Applications for our Implementing Public Policy (online) Program are Open!
written by Salimah Samji Are you a public policymaker frustrated with the limited impact of your government’s policies? Do you see many policy ideas starting out with promise but ending up incomplete or ineffectively implemented? Are you trying to improve implementation? If so, you are not alone. Join with peers from around the globe for a dynamic,…Continue Reading Applications for our Implementing Public Policy (online) Program are Open!
Reflections on the Importance of Community: A Message from our IPP Moderators
Guest blog written by Doran Moreland We live in complicated times occupied with strident partisanship, disinformation, social division, endless cyber distractions, and work and family interactions that are consigned to computer screens. Taking all these factors into account, the idea of forming and maintaining a community is in itself a radical act. Nearly two years…Continue Reading Reflections on the Importance of Community: A Message from our IPP Moderators