Despite decades of outstanding progress in increasing school enrollment and attainment for children in developing countries, too many spend years in school without acquiring basic skills in reading and math.
Project Team
Matt Andrews, Marla Spivack, Salimah Samji, Daniel Barjum, Mansi Kapoor, Tim McNaught
March 2019 – August 2022
BSC’s engagement with the Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Progamme focused on how the PDIA approach could help build the capability to implement education policies.
RISE is a multi-year, multi-country, multi-partner project that seeks to understand how school systems in the developing world can overcome the learning crisis and deliver learning for all. Even when systems create conditions coherent for learning, ultimately learning outcomes depend on what happens in the daily interactions between pupils and teachers.
This requires creating schools that have the capability to consistently implement effective learning practices. This capability must also be supported by effective organizations around schools—that create and deliver learning materials, do assessments, and provide training.
Through this engagement, the BSC team published 3 RISE working papers, 4 insight notes, 1 essay, 4 podcasts, and 8 blogs.
Project-Related Papers
A Public Value Approach to Analyzing and Intervening in National Educational Systems, Moore, Mark and Spivack, Marla. 2023. RISE Essay
The Way Forward in Analyzing National Educational Systems: A Re-Considered View, Moore, Mark and Spivack, Marla. 2022. RISE Working Paper Series. 22/110.
Applying Systems Thinking to Education: Using the RISE Systems Framework to Diagnose Education Systems, Silberstein, Jason and Spivack, Marla. 2023. RISE Insight 2023/051
More Working Papers
Managing for Motivation as Public Performance Improvement Strategy in Education & Far Beyond, Honig, Dan. 2022. CID Working Paper 409.
Getting Real about Unknowns in Complex Policy Work, Andrews, Matt. 2022. CID Working Paper 406 and RISE Working Paper Series. 21/083.
PDIA for Systems Change: Tackling the Learning Crisis in Indonesia. Barjum, Daniel. 2022. RISE Insight 2022/046.
A Problem-Driven Approach to Education Reform: The Story of Sobral in Brazil. McNaught, Tim. 2022. RISE Insight 2022/039. Also available in Portuguese.
Funda Wande through the lens of PDIA: Showcasing a flexible and iterative learning approach to improving educational outcomes. Samji, Salimah and Kapoor, Mansi. 2022. RISE Insight 2022/036.
Project-Related Podcasts
Diagnosing Education Systems with Marla Spivack
Helping Kids to Read for Meaning and Calculate with Confidence with Nangamso Mtsatse
Getting Real About Unknowns in Complex Policy Work with Matt Andrews
Pivoting Education Systems in a Crisis: Lessons from Woburn, MA Public Schools with Matt Crowley
Project-Related Blogs
Insights from Applying PDIA in the Education Sector
August 29, 2022