We are offering Strategies for Inclusive Growth at the Harvard Kennedy School from April 28 – May 3rd 2024. Application deadline is March 25th, 2024.
Paths to economic prosperity are rapidly evolving. Policymakers struggle to meet economic goals as growth remains unsustainable, non-inclusive, or just plain stuck. Organizations often rely on one-size-fits-all approaches that fail to meet their intended outcomes. To achieve inclusive growth, strategies require context-specific approaches to build the capability to diagnose the problem and implement actions to create change.
Strategies for Inclusive Growth is a one-week on-campus executive education program led by Ricardo Hausmann and Matt Andrews that rethinks the practice of economic policy, from design to implementation. The program will equip you with the framework, tools, and networks to drive inclusion-driven economic policy to advance shared prosperity.
Over the week together, you will acquire the essential tools and knowledge to design effective strategies for growth and inclusion to be applied to your own economic growth challenge. By the end of the program, you will better understand how to lead the change process of implementing a new growth and inclusion strategy.
The program is designed for senior-level leaders in both public and private sectors who want to advance growth and inclusion. Those who will benefit from this program include:
- Policymakers: city, state, and national officials from ministries, investment promotion agencies, economic development units.
- Business executives and investors who play a role in strategic decisions.
- Development organization leaders: representatives in multilateral and bilateral development banks and NGO leaders who develop growth strategies.
To learn more and apply, visit the course website.