Year: 2021

Top 10 Things I learned from Leading Economic Growth

Decorative graph depicting economic growth concept

Guest blog written by Robert Trewartha   To be honest, I was “volun-told” into this course by the Mayor. I had joined her for the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative in 2019-20 and learned a great deal. This opportunity came along at a time when we were in the height of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in our…Continue Reading Top 10 Things I learned from Leading Economic Growth

Wrapping Up: My Leading Economic Growth Journey

Business people in a conference room discussing in a circle

Guest blog written by Penelope Tainton I’ve made some interesting choices in my life. They may not always have been the best decisions for my own long-term prospects, but without fail, they have taken me on journeys of discovery and growth. Always stemming from my over-riding desire to “fix” things, to contribute, to make a…Continue Reading Wrapping Up: My Leading Economic Growth Journey

From Struggle to Deep Learning, then Action!

Guest blog written by Kojun Nakashima 2020 will surely be the unforgettable year for all the people around the globe. Everything has been required to be changed. Everybody has been stopped to rethink the course of life and work.  In May 2020, the first ever Leading Economic Growth (LEG) Online was launched. The timing was…Continue Reading From Struggle to Deep Learning, then Action!

Seeking the Next Gear for a Country with 30 Years of Continuous Growth

Guest blog written by Jacek Kotrasinski  Being from Poland, a country that recorded the unprecedented last 30 years of continuous economic growth, I came to the LEG Program to find out how to “Lead the Economic Growth” further.  I have lived in exceptional times in Poland over the last 40 years. I witnessed the collapse…Continue Reading Seeking the Next Gear for a Country with 30 Years of Continuous Growth

Public policy during a crisis: 3 Lessons learned from Ecuador’s earthquake

Guest blog written by Sandra Naranjo Bautista Last October, I was a guest lecturer at Harvard’s Executive Education Program, Budgeting Through Crisis. I talked about my experience as a minister during Ecuador’s 2016 earthquake with Salimah Samji, Director of the Building State Capability Program. Our conversation brought up memories that motivated me to write this blog. You can also…Continue Reading Public policy during a crisis: 3 Lessons learned from Ecuador’s earthquake

Economic Growth in Liberia: 10 Weeks to Remember

Monrovia, Liberia

Guest blog written by Fred D. Koilor What if this was a one-week journey? Well, many things about the Leading Economic Growth (Online) course probably would not have been the same. Firstly, I can certainly say that students would not have had ample time to digest the course materials and make adequate appreciation of knowledge…Continue Reading Economic Growth in Liberia: 10 Weeks to Remember

BSC 2020: The Year in Review

written by Salimah Samji 2020 was a challenging year. The Covid-19 pandemic and other crises highlighted the failures of governance and the large economic disparities that exist around the globe. The need to build public sector capability to meet these increasingly complex challenges has never been greater. Our response to these challenges included convening and training policymakers, as well as practitioners, around critical issues of leading through crises, implementing public policies, inclusive growth, and…Continue Reading BSC 2020: The Year in Review

Developing a Strategy for the Border Region between Australia and PNG

Guest blog written by Geoff King Having worked as a development professional for the better part of two decades, I was hoping Leading Economic Development would deliver a few additional tools I could add to my well worn tool belt. However, in several fundamental ways it has led to the evolution of my thinking and…Continue Reading Developing a Strategy for the Border Region between Australia and PNG

Learning to Lead Economic Growth during COVID-19

Image of Freetown, Sierra Leone

Guest blog written by Yakama Jones My country suffered from the Ebola crisis six years ago, experienced negative growth rates and is yet to attain pre-Ebola growth rates. It is in the midst of the recovery process that the current Corona pandemic has struck. There is a general scale down in economic activities, rise in…Continue Reading Learning to Lead Economic Growth during COVID-19