On 17 November 2016, ODI, in collaboration with the Building State Capability program at Harvard University, convened a private workshop bringing together a number of actors from academia, civil society, and donors, to look at how the adaptive development agenda has been put into practice throughout the world. We attempted to draw out some lessons learnt, and chart a way forward for both actors already working in this space, and for actors new to and interested in how to do development differently.
Please find the videos below:
- Leni Wild (ODI)
- Lant Pritchett (Harvard Kennedy School)
- Jonathan Beloe (IRC)
- Taylor Brown (Palladium)
- Duncan Green (Oxfam)
- Panthea Lee (Reboot)
- Salimah Samji (CID at Harvard) and Jonida Pone (Ministry of Urban Development, Albania)
- Richard Butterworth (DFID)
- Lena Ingelstam (Sida)
- Natalia Adler (UNICEF)