2018 | Insight Note
Matt Andrews
This note covers our experience working with officials in Mozambique’s public financial management sector, between September and December 2009. This was right at the start of the journey in learning how to do PDIA. We were exploring the basic idea that a conversation about problems could spark new ways of doing reforms. Mozambique’s Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) had come to the end of a ten year public financial management (PFM) reform initiative. The reform was widely hailed as a success, having established a new IT-based system for financial management. However, some observers (including experts at the World Bank) were concerned about compliance gaps and weaknesses in the system, which no one could quantify but which were thought to pervade the system. A new Public Finance Vision document had been developed (in June 2009) to design the next decade’s PFM reform, focused on continuing the reforms as they had been done (with more IT roll-out and expansion).
Andrews, Matt. 2018. “PDIA to Inform Budget Reform in Mozambique”.